Kee Safety Kee Safety is a leading global supplier of fall protection and safe access products, services and training.

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Self-Closing Safety Gate Installation at Amazon Distribution Facility

Following a safety audit, Kee Safety was able to advise Amazon UK on placement of safety gates  to stop unauthorized access and to improve safety at the top of staircases within this facility, in Milton Keynes, England. 

Kee Safety has established a strong relationship with Amazon


The site visit confirmed the locations where self closing safety gates would be required. Each location was measured to understand where extra components would be required due to different sized openings.

Amazon New
Kee Gates prevents unauthorized access


  • Kee Gates are designed and tested to withstand operational loads and anticipated usage.

  • Can be provided in safety yellow

  • Can be mounted to a wide range of common railings

  • Complies with relevant fall protection standards

  • Installation is quick and simple
Kee Gate® Self-Closing Safety Gate

Access the safest gates around

A fully adjustable range of self-closing safety gates for use in rooftop or industrial environments. Safety gates are ideal for protecting any openings ladder/stair access points, roof hatches, walkways, access to industrial machinery and other restricted areas, where regular access for maintenance and inspection is needed.
Kee Gate
Rooftop FP Mockup Small

Download the Rooftop Fall Protection Solutions Brochure

Kee Safety: Your Fall Protection Experts
Kee Safety is the world’s leading fall protection expert. We engineer, manufacture and install fall protection solutions that safely separate people from hazards. Our OH&S-compliant products and systems are third-party tested and trusted to ensure consistent performance at the highest level.