Kee Safety Kee Safety is a leading global supplier of fall protection and safe access products, services and training.

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Kee Walk with Guardrail Required for Annual Maintenance Safety

Based in Northeast Germany, The Goldbeck Group is a construction company specializing in commercial and municipal building construction.

A modular roof walkway system that is easy to install and exceeds all regulatory requirements


  • The customer must walk on the roof for the annual maintenance work.
  • To account for the need for this maintenance, rooftop protection was needed.
Kee Walk® provides a safe, anti-slip, level walkway for workers who need to access a roof in the course of their work.

Project Completion

The project was installed in May 2021.

KS KWA 5800 RT Crop Lo

Walkways that go Above and Beyond

Kee Walk® provides a safe, anti-slip, level walkway for workers who need to access a roof in the course of their work. Its intelligent design protects the roof surface from unnecessary damage and integrates easily with either guardrails or lifeline systems.

Kee Walk Rooftop Walkway