Kee Safety Kee Safety is a leading global supplier of fall protection and safe access products, services and training.

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Investing in Our Communities

Read about Kee Safety's program to support employees who are actively contributing to the wider community.

Helping our employees to help others

At Kee Safety, we want to support our employees who are involved in helping you and the community. This could be anything from charity work or coaching a sports team to planning a fundraising event or running a marathon for a good cause. Whatever it is, employees can apply for a donation of up to $1000 to go towards their initiative.
Jason & Greg 4 Copy

A Basic Explanation

What it Is

Our community support initiative launched in August of 2015. Employees supporting the community in their own time can apply for a company donation up to $1000.

How it Works

Employees are eligible if they support a community initiative outside of work in their own time. The donation is then paid directly to their chosen charity/organization.

Eligible initiatives

Eligible initiatives include non-commercial, non-profit making charitable, social, sporting, educational or cultural activities in the community. It does not include political or religious initiatives.

News about Our Community Involvement

26 Jul 2023

Kee Safety Donates to Help People Facing Food Insecurity