Kee Safety Kee Safety is a leading global supplier of fall protection and safe access products, services and training.

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Our team of experienced fall protection experts are available to answer any questions or concerns you have about workplace safety, or general inquiries you have about Kee Safety products. We're looking forward to helping you Separate People from Hazards!

Central Region Rep

Nicholas Bixcul

+1 416 888 6093 [email protected]

Christian King

+1 416 803 3411 [email protected]

Stephanie Birrell

+1 416 717 4277 [email protected]

West Region Rep

Scott Tyson

British Columbia, Northwest Territories, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Yukon
+1 403 808 3702 [email protected]

Gary Bilodeau

+1 403 899 4439 [email protected]

East Region Reps

Kevin Armer

Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Nova Scotia
+1 450 502 7939 [email protected]

Mike Dandenault

Quebec, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island
+1 819 699 6413 [email protected]

Accessibility Ramps

Distribution - All Canada Regions

Safety Training and Rope Access

Jeffrey Dalida

+1 403 620 4501 [email protected]

Martin Castle

+1 587 224 8842 [email protected]