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Industrial Accidents

Prioritizing Workplace Safety: Preventing Industrial Accidents

This article was produced in partnership with Canadian Occupational Safety.

Strategic Solutions and Crucial Steps to Prevent Accidents in Manufacturing

In the high-stakes world of manufacturing, safeguarding employees is paramount. The potential for accidents, collapses, chemical mishaps, and machinery-related injuries looms large, carrying not only physical harm but also significant financial burdens for businesses. As one mishap can wreak havoc on a company's bottom line, it's crucial to prioritize safety. 

Safety Railing

According to Nick Bixcul, Kee Safety's strategic solutions manager, assessing workplace safety goes beyond designated routes and compliance with regulations. “It's crucial to continually evaluate and ensure that the established routes are indeed the safest for everyone involved," says Bixcul.

Manufacturing safety encompasses personnel, procedures, and technology. Employees must prioritize safety, and business operations should be structured with safety in mind. Technology should enhance safety rather than pose risks, ensuring that machinery and tools are designed with safety considerations.

Kee Gate / Safety Gate

Investing in safety measures, such as safety gates, barriers, and guardrails, is essential. Bixcul points out that these measures act as the first layer of protection, preventing accidents and injuries by physically separating people from potential hazards. While some may perceive the cost of safety measures as significant, it's vital to prioritize safety alongside other investments.

Moreover, safety standards and regulations evolve over time, so assumptions about existing plans and structures can be risky. Safety system manufacturers play a critical role in creating products that safeguard workers and prevent injuries.

Kee Safety Team / Fall Protection Expert / Nick Bixcul
In the words of Bixcul, "my primary responsibility is to protect individuals from potential hazards, whether that involves designing out risks or taking other necessary measures. It is vital that both the places people go to and return from are secure and free from harm."

For a more in-depth exploration of workplace safety and strategies to prevent industrial accidents, read the full article. Your employees' safety and your company's financial well-being depend on it.

Interior & Impact Protection

Kee Safety: Protecting People from Falls and Impacts

Long recognized as a leader in rooftop fall protection, Kee Safety has an expanding set of solutions to protect
people inside and outside the facility. Our safety experts bring decades of compliance experience to become
your partner in protecting people from the most dangerous hazards on your site. Focusing on both the welfare
of your people and the profitability of your operation, our tried and tested safety products are built to ensure
consistent performance at the highest level.

Download our Interior Fall and Impact Protection Brochure

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