Kee Safety Kee Safety is a leading global supplier of fall protection and safe access products, services and training.

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Safety Solutions for Manufacturing Plant

Your Facility Must Meet Specific OH&S Requirements

Maintain Your Facility's Safety

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has set new guidelines for the safety measures that are required for all manufacturing facilities. These regulations require that all commercial roofs need top-ridge anchors installed that inspectors and contractors can attach safety cords to so they can walk and inspect roofs and perform repairs or replacements of roofing materials. If you allow people to walk on a roof without these precautions in place, you will be out of compliance with OH&S regulations and subject to fines. You could also face insurance issues for not following regulations. When it comes to your roof, safety should be your first priority. If you are concerned about potential safety compliance of fall protection issues, contact our team to discuss your specific needs and identify the best approach for your project.
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Safety Products for Manufacturing

KS KWA 5793

Kee Walk® Rooftop Crossovers

Roof surfaces can be extremely dangerous places to work, but not if Kee Walk® is installed. It provides a safe, anti-slip, level walking surface to access areas of the roof and to safely walk across it. Step sections are adjustable and can be used on sloped roofs too. Added to this, it also protects the roof sheet from foot traffic.

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MG 3333

Kee Mark® Warning Line

Kee Mark is a sturdy, durable, and cost-effective warning line for marking perimeters indoors and out. The simple modular design incorporates durable galvanized Kee Klamp® components and galvanized uprights that stay in place with a hidden set screw.

Kee Mark Warning Line
Self-Closing Safety Gate

Kee Gate® Self-Closing Safety Gate

A fully adjustable range of self-closing safety gates for use in rooftop or industrial environments. Safety gates are ideal for protecting any openings, ladder/stair access points, roof hatches, walkways, access to industrial machinery and other restricted areas, where regular access for maintenance and inspection is needed.

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Safety Solutions for Manufacturing Plant

Article: 5 Safety Tips for Manufacturing Plants

Protecting employees from accidents and injury is critical for morale and the business's smooth operation and profitability. Although there are many aspects to safety, here are five solutions for every day and infrequent safety challenges.

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Rooftop FP Mockup Small

Download the Rooftop Fall Protection Solutions Brochure

Kee Safety: Your Fall Protection Experts
Kee Safety is the world’s leading fall protection expert. We engineer, manufacture and install fall protection solutions that safely separate people from hazards. Our OH&S-compliant products and systems are third-party tested and trusted to ensure consistent performance at the highest level.

Rooftop Fall Protection Solutions