Kee Safety Kee Safety is a leading global supplier of fall protection and safe access products, services and training.

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Kee Line® Horizontal Lifeline

Energy absorbing lifeline system suitable for use on roofs, ceilings and other structures.

Overview Types Configurator Downloads FAQ Standards Gallery

Simple Design

Freedom to Work. Securely Attached. The Kee Line® horizontal lifeline system is designed to provide workers with freedom of movement on the rooftop while securely attached to the lifeline at all times.
Keeline Resize

The Engineered Lifeline Solution

Reliable Performance

Tested and trusted. Kee Line has been rigorously tested on built roofs and endorse by 3rd-party safety validation.

Easy Integration

Configured to Fit. Kee Line® uses has been engineered for multiple roof types and can be designed to accommodate varying building shapes.

Cost Effective

Smart Personal Fall Protection. The Kee Line® horizontal life line system is a flexible, cost effective option for working at height.

Membrane 2000 Copy

Membrane Roofs

Kee Line® provides one of the only upright posts that can be weathered with a standard pipe detail.


Metal Sheet Roofs

Utilizing the same range of brackets as standard roof systems, Kee Line® can be installed quickly and easily on standing seam roofs.


Structrual Roofs

Kee Line® structural posts can be used to tie back directly to the frame of the building. These well-built, heavy-duty anchors can be welded to, wrapped around, or clamped onto underlying beam structures. They can also be mounted directly to concrete.



Provides personal protection for up to two users. Lifeline system is mounted directly above the user for tasks including overhead crane access, vehicle loading, machine & building maintenance, cleaning and access.



Kee Line® for Structures provides the horizontal lifeline components to allow mounting directly to concrete, steel, brick or stonework either in the horizontal or overhead application.



Kee Line® can create a permanent lifeline on a rooftop without the need to penetrate the roof structure. Each of the wire posts is connected to a weighted structure that keeps the user secure in the event of a fall.

Kee Line® Features

Maximum Spans

Maximum span of 39′ allows 3 users at one time

Corrosion Resistant

A combination of galvanized and stainless steel components ensure longevity

Third Party Testing

We test internally and verify externally to maximize peace of mind

Qualified Installers

Kee Safety requires that Kee Line be installed by trained and certified installers

Kee Line® New Features

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Kee Line® Configurator

Kee Safety provides software validation to all Kee Line designs.  Each design calculates building loads, vertical line stretch and other critical measurements to ensure that the system you receive will perform as expected and keep your team safe.

Kee Line Downloads

Document Format
Kee Line Sales Brochure
Kee Line Installation Manual
Kee Line Operation & Maintenance Manual
Safety Systems for the Rail Sector
Rooftop Fall Protection Solutions Brochure
Rooftop Safety Audit
CSA Compliant / OH&S Compliant

Certified at our advanced testing facility

Kee Safety runs one of the world’s leading test and training centers at its UK headquarters. Run by a team of industry experts, this state-of-the-art facility ensures that Kee Safety products meet the needs of its customers. Kee Safety is committed to driving new innovation with the purpose of separating people from hazards.

Frequently Asked Questions

    • How is this horizontal lifeline better than other systems?
      The Kee Line Horizontal Lifeline system is technically superior since it's engineered to immediately absorb energy to minimize impact. The energy absorber is calibrated to impart lower forces into the system in a minor fall. In the event of a more severe fall, the forces are ramped up gradually, providing more stopping power.
    • Is the Kee Line price competitive to other horizontal lifeline systems?
      Yes. The Kee Line Horizontal Lifeline system, when backed by the Kee Line Calculator, immediately provides a materials list so you have an optimized system with in-stock components that is easy to install. This saves you time, money and less labor costs on-site. All components are ISO 9001 assured and made from galvanized, corrosion-resistant steel for long life on the roof.
    • Are the Kee Line components in stock?
      We offer low lead-times for increased productivity. Kee Line inventory is always in-stock, which means prompt delivery and no down time waiting for materials so you can get the installation completed quickly.
    • What does the Kee Line Calculator do for installers?
      The Kee Line Calculator provides both installer and customer with the safest system in the field. It also provides a complete list of components for the entire installation. The calculator does all the math for you and provides alerts if there are any improper calculations. This eliminates risk. Finally, the calculator ensures the HLL system is compliant with OSHA and ANSI regulations and is part of a complete personal fall arrest system that maintains a safety factor of at least two.

Kee Line® Case Studies

    Kee Line / Horizontal lifeline / fall arrest / fall restraint system

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    Rooftop Safety Railings


    Design and Installation

    We offer full design and installation services that include a complete on-site survey. Also, we can produce comprehensive shop drawings to help you visualize the end result. With our detailed project outline, you can be confident that your project is professionally specified, and that all safety concerns and standards are addressed to your satisfaction.

    Alternatively, you can specify and install KeeGuard yourself with our easy-to-follow instructions – it all starts with a call to our knowledgeable staff!

    Get in touch

    Exceeding Standards for those with their Life on the Line

    • Federal [Canada] Canada Occupational Safety and Health Regulations, SOR/86-304, Sections 12.01 to 12.09
    • Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Code, 191/2021 Part 9, Fall Protection Sections 138 - 161
    • British Columbia Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, B.C. Reg. 296/97 Part 11, Fall Protection, Sections 11.1 to 11.10
    • Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health Regulation, Man. Reg. 217/2006 Part 14, Fall Protection, Sections 14.1 to 14.29
    • New Brunswick General Regulation -N.B. Reg. 91-191 Part VII, Protective Equipment, Sections 49 - 51
    • Newfoundland and Labrador Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, 2012, N.L.R. 5/12 Part X, Fall Protection, Sections 138 to 146
    • Northwest Territories Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, R-039-2015 Part 7, Personal Protective Equipment, Sections 103 to 109 and Part 9 Safeguards, storage, warning signs and signals, Sections 118 to 124
    • Nova Scotia Workplace Health and Safety Regulations, N.S. Reg. 52/2013 Part 21, Fall Protection, Sections 21.1 to 21.4
    • Nunavut Occupational Health and Safety Regulations. R-039-2015, Part 7 Sections 104 to 109, and Part 9, Sections 118 to 122
    • Ontario Construction Projects, O. Reg. 213/91 Sections 26 - 26.9 and Industrial Establishments, R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 851 Section 85
    • Prince Edward Island Fall Protection Regulations, EC2004-633
    • Quebec Regulation respecting occupational health and safety, O.C. 885-2001 Division XXX, Means and Equipment for Individual and Group Protection Sections 347 - 354.1 and Safety Code for the construction industry R.R.Q. 1981, c. S-2.1, r. 6 Division II, General Provisions Sections 2.9.1 to 2.9.3, Safety measures
    • Saskatchewan Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, 2020 Sections 9-2 - 9-5
    • Yukon Occupational Health and Safety Regulation, O.I.C. 2006/178 Protective Equipment and Clothing - Fall Arrest Sections 1.37 to 1.43

    Canadian National Standards (CSA)

    • CAN/CSA-Z91: Health and Safety Code for Suspended Equipment Operations - User Standard
    • CAN/CSA-Z271: Safety Code for Suspended Platforms - Design Standard
    • CAN/CSA-Z259.16-15 Design of Active Fall Protection Systems

    Examples of Kee Line®


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