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Donation For Food Insecurity
  • News
  • Kee Safety Donates to Help People Facing Food Insecurity

Kee Safety Donates to Help People Facing Food Insecurity

Name: Sakeenah Homes

Location: Toronto GTA

Date: May 2023

About the Institution: Sakeenah Homes provides essential support and services, empowering people to become healthy, independent, and thriving members of our society. They offer services surrounding mental health, shelter, medical support, education, employment, training, basic essentials and financial assistance for women and children that potentially face homelessness, poverty and trauma.


Rifat Subedar, our project manager, is a volunteer at Sakeenah Homes. She volunteers her time for a project called the People's Market program that provides a dignified grocery store experience to those facing food insecurity. The program is hosted every Saturday for women, it is essentially a food and essentials drive where we receive donations throughout the month and create kits for families to pick up every Saturday.

At Kee Safety, we want to support our employees who are involved in helping you and the community. So, as Rifat is dedicating her time to supporting the community, she applied for our Kee Giving program for a donation of up to $1000 to go towards their initiative. So, she got it! The donation will go toward the People's Market program.

Kee Giving


Through this program Sakeenah Homes received more exposure and Kee Safety was able to contribute to the betterment of those who deserve better.

Kee Safety is happy to help our employees to help others!

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