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Warning Lines and Skylight Fall Protection Standards

Warning Line Standards

Source: Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Code

Control zones


(1) If a control zone is used, an employer must ensure that it

(a) is only used if a worker can fall from a surface that has a slope of no more than 4 degrees toward an unguarded edge or that slopes inwardly away from an unguarded edge, and
(b) is not less than 2 metres wide when measured from the unguarded edge.

(2) An employer must not use a control zone to protect workers from falling from a skeletal structure that is a work area.

(3) If a worker will at all times remain further from the unguarded edge than the width of the control zone, no other fall protection system need be used.

(4) Despite section 139, a worker is not required to use a fall protection system when crossing the control zone to enter or leave the work area.

(5) When crossing a control zone referred to in subsections (3) and (4), to get to or from the unguarded edge, a worker must follow the most direct route.

(6) An employer must ensure that a control zone is clearly marked with an effective raised warning line or another equally effective method if a worker is working within 2 metres of the control zone.

(7) An employer must ensure that a worker who must work within a control zone uses

(a) a travel restraint system, or
(b) an equally effective means of preventing the worker from getting to the unguarded edge.

(8) A person who is not directly required for the work at hand must not be inside a control zone.

Skylight Fall Protection Standards

Source: Légis Québec

chapter S-2.1, r. 13

Regulation respecting occupational health and safety

14. Floor: Any floors shall be:

(1) kept in good order, clean and free from any obstruction;

(2) provided with walkways that comply with section 15;

(3) provided with drains, if required for maintenance and the draining off of liquids;

(4) free from any opening capable of causing an accident, unless they are protected with a guardrail or a cover capable of bearing a load of at least 2,4 kN/m2.

Where a motorized vehicle is likely to travel on a cover, the cover must have a resistance at least equivalent to 3 times the maximum load that may be imposed by the vehicle.

O.C. 885-2001, s. 14; O.C. 1411-2018, s. 7.